Pathways to Net Zero – Delivering Net Zero Road Transport June 2023

This paper sets out a detailed account of the Pathways to Net Zero – Delivering Net Zero Road Transport roundtable discussion that was held on 6th June 2023.

Transport is the biggest polluting sector of the UK economy.  At 90% of all domestic transport emissions in the UK, road transport is a major contributor to the problem.

This roundtable discussion focused on the major policy and implementation challenges to be tackled if we are to successfully deliver net zero road transport.  The discussion built on the findings of the previous series of Pathways to Net Zero reports and roundtables in 2022.

This paper sets out a detailed account of the discussion.  Comments by participants are grouped under the following themes:

  1. National ambition for transport decarbonisation policy
  2. Progress on clean technologies and fuels
  3. The need for an ambitious industrial strategy
  4. The balance of technologies and behaviour change
  5. Strengthening local delivery of net zero transport
